Thursday, September 26, 2013


Lost is a television series that spanned from around 2007 to 2011 and included roughly 58 billion episodes.  The story was captivating at first but became slightly ridiculous--which, in the writers defense, is inevitable after the first billion episodes or so.
The show followed a group of plane-crashed survivors on an uninhabited island.  Interwoven with the events of the island were flashbacks of the character's lives. With each episode you would learn more about the characters; you understood and sympathized with them, wanted the best for them, and because of that, you kept on watching the show.  Because of the excellent characterization of the show, it succeeded for several years despite itself.
My own imperfections have created a life very similar to Lost: slightly ridiculous and outlandish, often repetitive, and tiresome.  Despite my self, however, the Lord allows those same "characterizations" to keep me coming back for more.
There is nothing sweeter than building friendships with former strangers.  Learning about them, their motives, their dreams, their beliefs; it's all to help us understand how Christ loves these people.  He loves them perfectly. That is why he has restored His gospel.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


My good friend Natalie once found a gem-of-a-facebook comment.  It read, "ha ha. so confuse. so idiot".
Never has there been written more ironic two-word statements.  Since then, it has been all the rage to say "So (insert single subject adjective)" It just really helps to explain any situation.
For instance, Sister Carrigan and I had a "So Missionary" moment today as we walked past a man taking his little puppy out for a walk:

Us: "How's it going"
Him: "Can't complain"
Us: "Your dog is really cute."
Him: "It's not mine."
us: confused head nodding
Us: "...Whose is it?"
Him: "It's my girlfriends, she is out of town and so I am watching it all week."
Us: "Is it a boy or a girl?"
us:trying to regain some semblance of tact
Him: "Girl."
Us: "What's her name?"
Him: "Richard."
At that point we lost it.  The whole conversation was unusually awkward, even for a missionary, and hearing the dog's name just did us in.  In the midst of our laughing, the man--now looking offended--said, "Why is that so funny?!"
Turns out he thought we had said, "What's YOUR name."

I think I am the most awkward missionary in the world.  Sigh.

"He loves us because He is filled with an infinite measure of holy, pure and indescribable love.  We are His children.  He loves everyone of us, even those who are flawed, rejected, awkward, sorrowful, or broken.  God's love is so great that He loves even the proud, the selfish, the arrogant, and the wicked." -Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf