The show followed a group of plane-crashed survivors on an uninhabited island. Interwoven with the events of the island were flashbacks of the character's lives. With each episode you would learn more about the characters; you understood and sympathized with them, wanted the best for them, and because of that, you kept on watching the show. Because of the excellent characterization of the show, it succeeded for several years despite itself.
My own imperfections have created a life very similar to Lost: slightly ridiculous and outlandish, often repetitive, and tiresome. Despite my self, however, the Lord allows those same "characterizations" to keep me coming back for more.
There is nothing sweeter than building friendships with former strangers. Learning about them, their motives, their dreams, their beliefs; it's all to help us understand how Christ loves these people. He loves them perfectly. That is why he has restored His gospel.
There is nothing sweeter than building friendships with former strangers. Learning about them, their motives, their dreams, their beliefs; it's all to help us understand how Christ loves these people. He loves them perfectly. That is why he has restored His gospel.
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