trans·fer (trns-fûr, trnsfr)
v. trans·ferred, trans·fer·ring, trans·fers
1. To convey or cause to pass from one place, person, or thing to another.
However, I know the Lord called me to Flagstaff and that there is good to be done here.
Everyone has the ability to know the will of the Lord for themselves. In fact, that is all missionaries ask--that you will read the Book of Mormon and Bible and pray to know for yourself if what we are teaching is true.
I promise, as a representative of Jesus Christ, that you will receive Heavens aid and Heavenly Father will show you the way you should go and witness that what we teach is true.
2. To move oneself from one location or job to another.
For Mormon Missionaries, transfers means a possibility of change.
Every six weeks our mission president prayerfully arranges our mission assignments.
A missionary and their companion are assigned to a specific geographic area and are, in part, responsible for the missionary efforts that accompany the congregations in that area.
To find where a congregation near you meets, click here.
This go-round, my assignment was changed from serving in Phoenix, AZ to Flagstaff, AZ. That is a 50 degree and 5,786 foot elevation difference. Each morning as we run (slash mostly walk)--part of the missionary daily schedule--I think my lungs are going to explode.
However, I know the Lord called me to Flagstaff and that there is good to be done here.
Everyone has the ability to know the will of the Lord for themselves. In fact, that is all missionaries ask--that you will read the Book of Mormon and Bible and pray to know for yourself if what we are teaching is true.
I promise, as a representative of Jesus Christ, that you will receive Heavens aid and Heavenly Father will show you the way you should go and witness that what we teach is true.
This is seriously hilarious and seriously sad that you got transferred at this time! :) Good luck!