Friday, October 25, 2013


Age: 24
Member for 24 years

Bio: I love to learn new things. Be it rock climbing, ballroom dancing, or ceramics, I'm up for learning just about anything.

Why I do Missionary Work: I've been blessed to have the Gospel of Jesus Christ my entire life. And while I've always known it's true, I've also had a really hard time sharing it with people, for many reasons. I've never really had a problem with other people sharing it, that's fine. (Go missionaries!) But doing it myself? No thanks. At this time in my life though, I feel like it's really important to have a testimony of missionary work, to understand why it's so important, and to have the courage to do it. I have faith that if I ask for a testimony of something, God will give me an opportunity to learn it. But I also have to put in the work and effort to gain it. I do missionary work, with the hope that I'll gain a testimony of the work, and the desire to freely share this Gospel, that has given me so much happiness, with the rest of God's children.

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