Friday, October 25, 2013


We, as missionaries, are out here to share the glad news that Christ is not dead, but lives.  His gospel, church, priesthood, and power He has brought back to the Earth and His people.  From 6:30am to 9:00 pm, seven days a week, we have been given the opportunity to share this message for 18 months to two years.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sister Muhlestein,

    WOAHHHHH!!!! You're now allowed to BLOG about being a Mormon Missionary!!!! WOOOOOWWWWW!! Cool! I love it! Count me in as a devoted reader! I'll be looking for your updates! I've never even met you and don't know who you are, but I'm honored that you added me to your circle and that you want to let us Mormons know about how we can help you share the gospel to people in Arizona. If I ever know of someone there who needs help, I'll be sure to send them to you! xoxo

    ~ Angela Nederhand
    Wife, Mother, Mormon &
    Owner of The Learning Place

    Nederhand Nest Blog:


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